Friday, November 13, 2015

Slow Down...Thanksgiving Before Christmas

We do Thanksgiving in this home...simple as rushing into Christmas here! I wrote something a couple of years ago called "No Skipping Thanksgiving," and the sentiment I had then is still true today! The key word is "savor." Remember when we were young and time moved so unbelievably slow? There's no denying how much it speeds up as we get older...seriously...2015 is almost over!!! And as I get older, the more sentimental and nostalgic I become; every moment is more precious and every holiday is more special. I wish I would have known that 2013 would have been the last year I got to spend Christmas with my grandma. I wish I had gone home last year for Thanksgiving because it was the last holiday my family got with Grandma. December 3rd will be the one year anniversary of her death; and a year ago during this time, these were the weeks I was praying for more time...

I miss my grandma every single day...I still have millions of tears to shed for her...the closer the holidays get and the closer the anniversary of her passing gets, the more challenging it will be to keep those tears under control. Oh my goodness...I can't even write about this now...too upsetting!

Anyway! Back to the point! Life moves and changes so the blink of an eye it seems sometimes! November is for Thanksgiving...a time to reflect and be grateful...a time to recognize and enjoy the blessings in my life. I hope all of you will take the time to slow down and savor this time of year. Hug and love your loved ones extra tight and extra long too; it could be your last chance.

And as always, hugs and love to you all, my lovelies!
Oh! And just so I'm sure I don't wish it too late, Happy Thanksgiving, dear readers!


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